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AKC Titles

"What is a title?"

Titles are permanent letters added after the dog's registered club name that represent their accomplishments. So, for example, a dog registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) with the name "McKinnon's Parker" would become "McKinnon's Parker CGC" after earning their Canine Good Citizen title.

"What's the benefit?"

It allows for an objective view of the dog's capabilities. The training itself is very beneficial, but of course, additional benefits are nice. These titles are a great way to show off the hard work and dedication one has for their dog. People who show, sport, and breed dogs are often seen as more reputable if their dogs have titles.

"What is CGC?"

CGC stands for Canine Good Citizen. This test is the foundation for dog behavior as recognized by the American Kennel Club. Often used as the first stepping stone for dogs who participate in other obedience related work, this test encapsulates the foundation for any dog's behavior according to some of the most highly-respected people in the dog world. Some therapy dog groups even use the test as a prerequisite for their puppies in training! We recommend this title to those looking for foundational training, participation in sports, or simply a clear representation of where their dog's abilities lie.

"What is CGCA?"

CGCA stands for Advanced Canine Good Citizen. Also known as AKC Community Canine, this test is a continuation to the CGC that extends their skills into the community with more advanced scenarios. We recommend this title to the go-getters who want to see how far they can push their advanced obedience and go for that second title.

"What is CGCU?"

CGCU stands for Urban Canine Good Citizen. This test takes the dog out of their usual suburban or rural setting and brings them to the city. City centers with their noise, smells, traffic, and bustling passerbys isn't as easy to navigate with a dog as one may think, especially when it comes to grabbing their attention away from the lively scene. This title is recommended to anyone who's often in public with their companions, working on public access with their service dog, or want to expand their dog's ability to navigate whatever situation life throws their way.

"What's on the test?"

Each CGC test has 10 items in which they will be scored on their success. Each item consists of a command paired with a scenario in which the dog must perform with a calm, confident, and collected response.

Click the icons below to view test items:

"Does my dog qualify?"

Dogs that are reactive or aggressive are unable to participate unless training to prevent these happenings are in effect prior to testing. Tests where a dog shows aggression or stress signals disqualifies them and results in an automatic fail.

To participate in the Urban or Advanced CGC, the dog must have completed the CGC prior to testing. Advanced can be tested in conjunction with the CGC, but Urban must be taken separately.

In order to add the title to their AKC registry they must already be a registered member of the AKC either by the breeder, by the owner through the AKC Canine Partners program if they are mixed breed, or the AKC PAL program if they are a purebred. Training prior to testing can be done before registry, but must be completed before submitting your dog's title to the AKC.

"Can we test without training first?"

Yes! However, it is recommended that the test items are accurately practiced prior to testing to ensure the dog is ready to complete the evaluation successfully.

"What if we don't pass?"

One retest is available to each dog for each CGC title they receive, offered by the evaluator usually at the end of the test. Then, the dog may try again for any test items they did not pass for a potential change in score. They can always test again at a later date, but it is recommended to reevaluate training prior to retesting, as the fee for testing will apply each time.

For more information on testing materials, requirements, and benefits feel free to visit the AKC website.

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